Sexy Beast

Julianne White in 'Sexy Beast'

Shot in Spain and London during the summer of 1999. Ben Kingsley plays a nasty East End gangster who disturbs the idyllic costa-del-crime retirement of two ex-criminal couples played, respectively by Ray Winstone and Amanda Redman, and Cavan Kendall and Julianne White. Kingsley's character wants Winstone's character to go back to London to do just one final robbery - but the four happy friends don't want any part of it. The resulting friction gives rise to a gripping confrontation...

Sexy Beast
Julianne with Ray Winstone and Cavan Kendall on the set of 'Sexy Beast'

It is directed by the brilliant Jonathan Glazer, and is rather an odd mixture of black comedy, bank robbery movie and surreal thriller. Written by Louis Mellis and David Scinto - and the ending is, well...weird! (in fact it's WELL WEIRD!)

Julianne looks great and acts her socks off, amongst some very esteemed company. She also gets to kick Ben Kingsley's head in, but it's nothing personal.

Sexy Beast
Julianne with Amanda Redman (foreground) in 'Sexy Beast'

Producer: Jeremy Thomas
Co-Producer: Denise O'Dell
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Writers: Louis Mellis and David Scinto

(These notes by Claude Guinness)

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Sexy Beast
Ray Winstone, Amanda Redman, Cavan Kendall
and Julianne White in 'Sexy Beast'

Out On A Limb

'Out On A Limb'
Starring Henry Goodman, Julianne White, Neil Stuke and Costa Milton.

Director: Robert Heath

What do you get if you take one television chef, past his sell by date, add two armed robbers, stir in the police and simmer for three days?

The answer is Out on a Limb, a black comedy served with a dressing of sexual tension and confusion written by Bob McCabe and Rob Churchill, directed by Rob Heath and produced by Joy Mellins and Dave Shanks for Theta Films.

Winner - Best Actress 2005, Cherbourg Film Festival
Winner - Best Comedy 2004, Wine Country Film Festival
Starring Henry Goodman, Julianne White, Neil Stuke and Costa Milton.

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Zero Zero

Julianne White as 'Number 36'
in the 1983 musical and visual fantasy 'Zero Zero'
created by Mike Batt (later to become her husband)
in association with the Australian Broadcasting Commission.

For more information about "Zero Zero" click here.